


Domestic long hair- Solid black

HISTORY:  Bandit is a driveway kitty from Sanctuary Lane.

For now trust is the big issue with me. As a “driveway kitty” my exposure to humans was limited and not always positive so my new life here at the sanctuary is taking some time to adjust to. As I gain assurance I hope that I will learn to enjoy receiving affection from people. I have learned to entertain myself playing with the toys in my room. I’ve been described as a big kitten with the way I run laps around the room with reckless abandon. I play nicely too with the other cats, particularly Wyatt and Jett. Two of my favorite volunteers, Candy and Ed, even managed to pet me while I was in a cat tree. I couldn’t help myself and began kneading with my paws. There’s hope for this boy. I’m quite shy but within resides a sweet and gentle guy.

Winter Update 2025: One of my regular human visitors, Volunteer Scott said that I’ve been “working on my scowl” more recently. He could be on to something as he knows to avoid me when he comes for his bi-weekly visits. With ears flat on my head and a nervous twitch in my body, my signal is clear, “Please don’t come calling on me.” Having said all that, you’ll be pleased to know I have my regular circle of cats that think I’m terrific. Sometimes I hang out with Tango on the top of condo for example while other times I’ll slip into this larger doll house thingy on the catio where I can usually sit for a spell and check in on my other set of friends Sadie, Tatum and Julia. To round out things for me, I also have my friend Whiskers who might nudge me along to join in a game of laser dot with that human visitor! In any event, I’m doing well and want for nothing. I am leading the life I was meant to lead and it’s an amazing life. BANDIT

Fall 2024 Update: I hear volunteers and staff chatting about how one of my regular volunteer visitors, Scott takes lots of pics of me and shares them. I’m a bit of a cyber star as he snaps pics of me in different parts of the room and with an assortment of other kitties. As you know, I’m not a fan of the humans…I will hiss and if need be swat at you should you come too close…but I love other felines and most times will have one in my orb when Scott comes a knockin.’ More recently, he found me with pretty orange tabby lady Tango and also Gia. I think the other cats find me to be a bit of a rock and a staple and find my energy/presence reassuring. I’m pleased I can perform this important function in my room especially since I’m making zero effort to please the humans. I’m  leading this life of kitty leisure. BANDIT

Spring 2024 Update: I’ve heard folks whispering about how I am “setting up house” with Tango and or Sadie! It’s a bit absurd as we’re just friends but you see, there is this wooden doll house on the catio and we’re oftentimes….the 3 of us…all inside this contraption. And so…the human tongues flap and speculate on our relationship. In general, I enjoy the warmer temps so for the next few months, should you be looking to check in on me, no doubt I’ll be outside in a shady spot. I’m still not a huge fan of any of the humans so please do me a favor and give me space and please don’t even think of reaching out and petting me! LOL. If the humans leave me alone and if I’m able to chill and hang with Tango and Sadie this summer, then it’s gonna be a great time for me! My health is intact and I’m content with my life. BANDIT