


DSH– Solid Gray

HISTORY: Casey was found as a stray.

The adorable Casey is still getting her bearings here at CFC. We don’t think she had much exposure to humans prior to her arrival, so it is natural that it would take her some time to grow more comfortable.  Every so often she shows glimpses of the playful, curious and loving kitten that we know is hiding behind her layer of shyness.  She has shown a lot of interest in other cats, particularly those who are her own age.  Adopting her alongside a more confident kitten would likely do wonders to help her come out of her shell.  Besides, look at that beautiful coloring and adorable face.  How could anyone resist sweet Casey?

Spring 2024 Update: My good friend Volunteer Scott calls me his “Primo Model.”  This makes my heart feel full and loved.  You see,  when I see him coming, I get in position.  In position, you ask?  Well,  typically I will be on the top of a condo and he will slowly come on over,  climb up on a step stool and then the love fest begins.  I will literally push my way to be right in front of him and then pose for him…making other kitties who might be with me….go to the wayside.  I want to be his focus and the recipient of ALL his attention if possible,  so I’ll assert myself accordingly.   On most occasions,  CERA will be relaxing with me and she’s so pliable and easy going, that she’d never make a fuss about my behavior.  Scott being the Mr Nice Guy that he is,  will also make sure Cera gets her helping of loving so it all works out in the end.   I’m still not one to venture out on the floor much unless I see the large, shiny platters of wet food being distributed by staff so if you are stopping by,  look up and likely you’ll find me!   I’m healthy and happy and want for nothing.  CASEY

Winter 2024 Update: 9 chances out of 10, we will find our sleek grey friend CASEY on the top of a condo surrounded by other kitties. These days, she’s taking a liking to kitties Cera and also Belinda. Cera has been her steady eddy for a while now and Belinda, in part because she is newer to the room, has now wormed her way to be near Casey. Volunteer Scott might proudly boast (although he really doesn’t boast!) that he is one of her favorites. He attributes the fact that he started working on her as soon as she arrived at CFC and has steadily given her attention on his visits. He comments that she will literally get into “position” when she sees him coming. Translated- she gets on her side, dips her head over the condo edge and waits for the massage especially in the belly area. Our quiet, lovely lady is healthy and yes, happy. 

Fall 2023 Update: Casey has had a great summer. This pretty, sleek jacketed lady routinely leaves her ultra safe perch atop one of the kitty condos to head outside to the catio area to get some sun and some sweltering heat, at times! She’s not really open to human contact while outside but inside and on top of a condo, we have some volunteers who are able to give her all over body rubs including her vulnerable belly area. Her best friend is still Cera and it’s not uncommon to find the 2 of them in “synchronized snoozing” mode! LOL. She is healthy and content and a very peaceful girl. We are proud of the slow and steady progress she has made to lead her best life.