DSH- Sleek black velvet coat.
HISTORY: Charlie arrived as a stray from Fluvanna SPCA. When he tested positive for FeLV, we agreed to provide a safe spot for him.
MEDICAL: Charlie tested positive for FeLV.
We love our good friend Charlie. While he had a bit of a rough go of it upon arrival, he has settled in beautifully and he’s now greeting us humans at the door and positioning himself in areas to maximize his interaction with us. Charlie enjoys brief rounds of soft body pets and then it’s time to move on. Softly sashaying and making the rounds in his room, Charlie is a peaceful, gentle guy who does not wish to stir the pot. Even when other kitties might have egged him on, still he maintains his calm, sweet self. For entertainment, Charlie enjoys a good game of laser dot and also batting and chasing toys around. Off and on he has struggled with some hair loss over whole sections of his body such that it might look like he is wearing shorty shorts and or a short sleeve tee or even no pants at all. We’ve not yet pin pointed the trigger for this condition but are working closely to bring resolution and relief to our amicable fellow. In his new home, no doubt Charlie would love to be the single apple of YOUR eye however he might also be ok in sharing his space/home with other more mature, polite kitties. We’re excited for what the future holds for Charlie and hope that perhaps you will be part of it.
More about me November 2024: Just in time for the chilly temps to set in, our good friend CHARLIE has an almost full coat of fur. YES!! The jokes of running around without pants. Shirtless. Tag names of Mr Baldy are but a distant memory as Charlie’s hair has come back to provide some much needed coverage with fall kicking in. Although the brunt of many jokes, one must realize that Charlie holds a position of high esteem in L-3. On Mondays, when volunteers Cheryl and Craig come to deep clean the room and boost everyone’s spirits, Charlie is on the window sill providing Craig with some much needed critiquing and guidance as litter boxes are cleaned. Craig might say he grades on a “curve” so he doesn’t keep failing the test! When not supervising Craig, Charlie enjoys calmly relaxing on the outside catio area. He’s a gentle, quiet young man who does not desire to get into the thick of things and or cat drama in the room. He’s a sidelines kind of fella but he does nonetheless desire some attention and pets from his humans. Gentle and soft in his ways, our smaller framed love bug would love nothing more than for YOU to please come and admire his new and most improved attire and while you’re at it, consider bringing him home. Here’s to you Charlie and your new and most improved look. We’re super happy for you.