


DSH, brown and orange tortoiseshell.

HISTORY: Cinnamon was an owner surrender.

MEDICAL NOTE: Cinnamon tested positive for feline leukemia virus.

Looking for a spunky girl who’s full of personality? Look no further! Cinnamon spends her days in our FeLV+ Observation room and prefers to be outside on the enclosed porch. She will greet you whether you enter the room or even just walk by outside. Cinnamon also loves dogs, particularly our office dog Bella. Whenever she sees her, Cinnamon rubs up against the netting and meows to get her attention. She can be a bit particular when it comes to where, when and for how long she would like to be pet. These regulations change daily, so you’ll have to visit her every day to stay up to date with her latest petting preferences. Though she has a pretty busy schedule I’m sure she’ll be able to squeeze you in.

Spring 2024 Update: Our pretty lady CINNAMON has a brand new admirer/volunteer coming to visit and hang out with everyone in this room. We received this detailed and at times funny update on how their relationship is coming along and it was too good to not share. “Cinnamon is the epitome of Tortitude. While she was in the mob that approached me on my first visit, she soon went to the Catio. When I visited her there, she was not in the mood for petting or touching despite my attempts. But she didn’t run away; she’s very self confident. On my second visit, she continued to swat at me but she never tried to bite. That makes interaction with her easier since she’s declawed so can’t do much damage while swatting. I tried to stroke her with my Gentling Tool (a small plastic ball on the end of a telescoping handle) but she ran from it. I thought she recognized me on my third visit. She allowed me to touch her and leaned into my petting hand. She began to purr. This lasted for about 3 minutes until she backed away. I took a 90-second break and was able to resume petting her, again with soft purrs. I congratulated myself on my breakthrough—until my fourth visit. Nothing but bats and hisses then. DO NOT TOUCH ME! I won’t give up on her but it will likely be a long term project to win her trust.” We really love this update from Volunteer Steve as it’s loaded with truth and spot on insight on our touch and go/quirky girl. With Cinnamon’s health intact, Steve will have many future opportunities to 100% win over our big girl. Can’t wait for that next update! 

Winter 2024 Update: Cinnamon continues to be quite the “special” lady as her preference is to give us humans a wide berth.  When “housekeeping” arrives to tidy up,  Cinnamon is generally lounging on the top of a condo or strolls outside to the catio to check up on the dogs and maybe get some fresh air.   In a somewhat surprising moment,  she was seen giving Smokey a bath and in an even more rare moment, was spotted getting snuggly/lying next to Sai!  Who would have thought??  Her relationship with Marbles seems to have held fast since our last update and if she were to have a good friend,  likely it would be Marbles.  Generally Cinnamon does not want you to pet or stroke her but according to one of the volunteers,  she will touch their finger with her nose!  Who would have thought?  Our somewhat aloof lady is in good health and in good spirit so  she’s all set to enjoy the cooler temps and keeping us guessing.  No doubt she’s a sassy girl, but would we really have it any other way? 

Fall 2023 Update: Cinnamon hasn’t blown it, yet!! When we last spoke, Cinnamon was lightly embarking on a relationship of sorts with roomie, Marble. Generally, Cinnamon is a loner and not looking for companionship so imagine our surprise when she started to reach out to Marble. Fast forward a few months and yes, they are still friends! LOL. On another note, for a bit, strange things were happening in Cinnamon’s room. Staff was finding chairs that are normally flush against the wall, in the center of the room first thing in the morning. Was it a poltergeist at work OR was it Cinnamon at work? Turns out it was the latter! Cinnamon is rubbing her chin, head and face so hard on the chairs, that she is literally moving them everywhere! Our busy girl continues to be super healthy and perhaps moving the furniture around might even aid in her longevity. In any event, she’s doing great physically and mentally and ready to take a front row seat to welcome the lovely fall weather.