DSH- Solid Black
HISTORY: Daisy and her sister Tulip were transferred in from a shelter in GA. Tulip has sadly since passed away.
MEDICAL NOTE: Daisy tested positive for FeLV+
I’ve been the victim of some recent body shaming but I’m not letting it get to me. It’s all true that I’ve kind of let myself go. I love food. I admit it. My belly is more robust and it swings side to side as I mozey about my room. Not that I’ll blame anyone for my full figure size but there are 2 volunteers (who shall remain nameless) who come on Mondays and they have the best snacks! The best. The goodies are called Fussy Cat Treats and boy, just yum! Between 12- 12:30pm, I get in position anticipating a serving of this most excellent grub. It’s just lip smacking good! I get my fair share and it’s possible I just wind up wearing it on my hips in the days following their visit. I’m not a very active lady as I really just enjoy stretching out and sunning and relaxing. I also very much enjoy when the staff gives me super deep scratches at the base of my tail and really, all over body rubs. I’m a sweet gal who is content to relax right beside my human. I’m not a lap girl but I like the proximity to the human. Petting me and telling me I’m pretty and a good girl goes a long way with me. I’m not a huge fan of other kitties but tolerate them the best I can. If they get too nosey and or in my face, they can expect to get a fast whop whop on their head as a warning to please give me some space. I still have my eye on the prize of a full time pet position and if bigger and more calm is your “type,” I might be ideally suited for you. Won’t you check me out?? Ask for me, DAISY today!