Tuxedo- sleek black coat with white bib, tipped feet and chin and 1/2 a white swatch on his upper lip area.
HISTORY: Doc arrived from a large unmanaged cat colony with ~100 cats.
Friendly fella with a craggy meow who loves laps, being pet and just relaxing.
In Doc’s former life at the colony, he had very few social interactions with people and as a result, he didn’t learn to trust humans and accept affection. He has however made outstanding progress since arriving at the sanctuary. Today, Doc is incredibly friendly with people and welcomes being on the receiving end of pets. He loves a warm lap to curl up on and will gift you with loud purrs and his craggy meows as you pet him!! Doc seems to enjoy being picked up and held and if you decide to put him down before he is ready, he tries to climb your leg as if to say “Pick me back up.” He hasn’t displayed any interest in playing with cat toys at this time, at least while people are around to observe. Doc spends a good amount of his time relaxing in the cat tree in his room at the Scratching Post. He gets along well with the other cats in his room, although he tends to stay to himself and does not initiate or seek out attention from the other cats in his room.
More about me November 2024: How can it be that I’m still in the hunt for a full time pet position? My name is DOC and folks are always cracking that age ol’ joke of “What’s up Doc?” Well, truth be told I’ve been working to get noticed as folks enter my room. I am one of the first to come scampering over to say “Hi.” I’ve also been known to reach up onto your leg to make sure I have your attention. No doubt, I am the fave of one of our volunteers. His name is Craig. Craig is usually here on Mondays and he makes a point of coming by to check in on me. Within seconds of him taking a seat, I’m in his lap. While I love his lap and all the soft, adoring pets I receive from him, I’ll tell you a little secret…I pretty much act that way with everyone. Very friendly, loving lap time and any and all attention, I think you’ll agree I have an old soul, old man feel to me. Oh the joy to think soon I might be in your arms and warming up your lap! Please, please ask for me, DOC today. I’m just the love bucket you’ve been looking for.
More about me March 2024: “What’s up DOC?” might you ask! Well, Doc is up to making everyone feel welcome in his chill, happy world. Just one of the amazing things about Doc is that while he was trapped in a local cat colony, he’s such a social, warm, giving being that we have to wonder how he wound up in the colony. He too might be shrugging his shoulders and wondering how he had that turn in the road.
Doc is a smaller framed fella and he has an old soul feel about him. Aged as a young adult, when YOU meet him, you also might feel the wisdom and energy of a kitty who has gone and done and seen a lot. Doc is very friendly and inviting. He is quick to scamper over to the door as humans enter his room. Sit for a spell and he’s on your lap relaxing, giving you head butts and even doing some 4 legged sashaying in your lap. Doc purrs on command….AKA…that motor revs up and keeps going strong as soon as he’s in your lap loving on you. He’s also a great conversationalist so be prepared to share some words with him. Doc is great with all the kitties in his room and he seems very much in his comfort zone hanging out with kitties as he does humans.
With his slightly crooked and disheveled whiskers and eyebrows, he’s a real character physically but also personality wise. Not that you can ever get enough of Mr Well Balanced Perfect Kitty himself, but when it’s time for you to exit his room, he will start to do figure eights around you as if to slow down your departure and to keep you from leaving all together! We’re totally smitten with our black and white friend and can’t wait to see him settled in his new home and excelling at his new pet position. Might YOU be the lucky one to have Doc in your lap and in your arms full time?