


DSH- Orange Tabby with White

HISTORY: Fred came in with Dino (who we believe is his brother), Betty (who we believe is his mother) and her five little kittens. The property owner does not like cats and wanted them all gone! CFC came to their rescue.

My earliest months were spent with my mom, Betty, and my brother Dino fending for ourselves and deprived of the love and companionship of people. As a result, I am a bashful, although very gentle, fellow. My journey to trust has reached the point where I sidle up to visitors, greeting them with little chirped meows and hoping for some gentle caresses and soft scratches under my chin. I’m as soft as the finest talcum powder with the nattiest white vest, cute as a button pink nose, and luminous copper eyes that make a new penny look tarnished in comparison. I very much like other cats and for the right artist I’m going to be a priceless masterpiece.”

Winter Update 2025: Folks are thinking I’ve settled in as much as I can following my traumatic ear hematoma a while ago. As you may recall, I used to have a pretty upbeat energy/aura about me, but alas it’s dampened and I think it’s where it will now remain. I’m now over 13 yrs old so “I yam what I yam.” Did you know I’m also the 2nd oldest kitty in my room? Oh my, how time has flown by! Since we last spoke a couple of kitties in my room have gone home and likewise a couple more have joined our ranks. I’m not really bothered one way or the other by them as I have my circle of friends..Tibbie, Belinda and Patsy Cline…to name a few, and they are all I need as I survey the room from the top of a condo. With my health intact, friends by my side and regular room and housekeeping service, I want for nothing. I am grateful I can lead this calm and relaxing life.

Update Fall 2024: My good volunteer friend Scott says I am in better spirits and slowly but surely climbing out of the physical and mental hole I spiraled down into when I had my ear mite issue. While that was some time ago, still the effects are most lingering and I’m working hard to restore my best pet self! To that end, Scott has noticed me more and more outside on the catio enjoying the warm temps on my shoulders and maybe my belly area. I’m a little more mobile and might even utter a few “mews” of hello when I see Scott coming my way. While I am more apt to lone and be by myself, still I might periodically seek companionship from kitties Belinda and or Patsy. In the big picture, I’m doing better and folks are happy to see the good ol’ Fred being restored to his great splendor. FRED

Update Spring 2024: “Fred keeps on Truckin,” according to his good friend, fan and volunteer extraordinaire Scott.  It might sound silly but he’s still adjusting to his new “look,” ….his crumpled ear, the result of a bad ear hematoma.  If you think about it,  he’s lost some of his hearing with the folded over ear so it can’t be a lot of fun for him.   Fred is still acting like a sidelines kind of kitty- not wanting to create any waves and opting for more quiet areas in his room.  We’ve spotted him outside a bit more with the warmer temps so it’s nice to see him in some of our catio chairs taking in some sun rays and fresh air.  Volunteer Scott makes sure to include Fred on his rounds in the room as he gives him some back and neck massages and no doubt, stays well clear of the ear!   We enjoy Fred and appreciate the quiet, calm that brings to his room.  He’s fine health wise so the sky is the limit for how he chooses to enjoy the warm temps that lie in wait for him this summer.