


DSH-Brown Tabby

HISTORY: Gabbi was a transfer from a Richmond rescue group when she tested positive for Feline Leukemia.

Our petite brown tabby girl holds her often expressed philosophy that being a cat is not a team sport. While she doesn’t go looking for trouble, let one of her roomies invade what she considers her personal space and she will vocally admonish the offender. Miss Gabbi is quite the conversationalist and it’s hard not to smile when you hear her grumbling to herself over the perceived transgressions of her suite mates. She can be comical. Open laps are at a premium in a room with so many lap adoring residents, but when one does open up she is not at all hesitant to jump up into it and curl up into a softly purring puff ball. Gabbi is quite the affectionate girl but she’s not going to share a good cuddle with others; she wants you all to herself. As far as she is concerned chinny scrunches and strokes down her back are treasures not to be taken lightly. Your rewards for lavishing them on her are gentle head nudges and eyes looking up adoringly at you. In short, she is a sweet child who would cherish a chat and a cuddle with you.

Spring 2024 Update: I love getting human pets.  I really lean into ’em and feel immense joy and calm when I am the apple of a human’s eye.  I’m lucky in that I have several very regular humans who come and work/volunteer in my room a couple times a week.   We’ve built up a strong relationship and I can’t wait to visit with them when they are on site.   As you may recall,  I am not a fan of other cats so daily I work hard to avoid the other 4 leggeds in my room.  To that end, I strive to find more quiet areas to perch and relax and sometimes I might just opt to relax in the condo where I rest overnight.  Wouldn’t you know it though that one time when I was chilling on the top shelf of my condo,  that impy girl Tulip had the audacity of hopping up into my condo and effectively “squatted” in the lower section all day long!  Urgh!  Made me super mad but I tried to not make too much of a stink showing my ultimate displeasure of such a bold act!  Life continues on though and with no new medical concerns,  I’m set up for success to enjoy my human visits and opportunities to outwit and avoid the other kitties in my room.  GABBI

Winter 2024 Update: Now in her middle age,  Gabbi has learned that sometimes you can agree to simply disagree.  For her, this means maybe it’s ok that she’s not best friends with anyone in her room and being less confrontational and letting the water run over her back, might be a better approach.  You go girl! Since our last check in,  she is no longer favoring human laps as much as she was before because it would draw the attention of other kitties and increase the chance of confrontation.  Her new approach is to emit a soft cry when her fave humans come for a visit and invite them over to the window ledge for some special one on one time.  Gabbi is a great girl and we enjoy her so.  With no new health issues, we’ll look forward to seeing how she turns a new leaf and revisits once again a community cat lifestyle when she would prefer to be a one and only kitty.  

Fall 2023 Update: Gabbi’s big news is that she has another human lap that she will climb up into! Good girl. Gabbi loves, loves, loves human attention and is not shy about asking for it. This is simply a newer approach for her and one that is more intimate and trusting of her human friend, Volunteer Scott. Gabbi makes no bones about not really liking other cats in her life and in particular, the youngest kitties in her room. Siblings Daisy and Tulip are the biggest irritants to her with their outgoing, super playful personalities. Likely when you enter Gabbi’s room, she’ll make a quick bee line hoping you’ll reach down and give her some deep, loving strokes of affection. With no emerging health issues, Gabbi is set up to enjoy the fall color show in one of her usual perches outside in a cat tree on the catio. Make sure you get a front row seat sweet girl!