


DML- Solid Grey

HISTORY: Gypsy was surrendered from a large local unmanaged cat colony with ~100 cats.

Take a peek at this amazingly gorgeous kitty we have named Gypsy. Upon her arrival to CFC it was extremely obvious she was expecting kittens and they would be here very soon! Within a few days in her new area she was allowing people to pet and scratch her ears, seeming to enjoy it exceedingly. With the everyday socialization she was receiving from our office staff, the friendlier she became, even allowing some people to pick her up and cuddle with her.

Gypsy gave birth to three kittens on April 8th, the day of the partial eclipse!! For that reason, we couldn’t let the opportunity pass to name them: Eclipse, Moon and Sunny! She is an incredible first time mama with her kittens and her friendliness towards people hasn’t changed! Gypsy doesn’t mind a little ear scratch while she’s taking care of her kittens. For the time being we are letting her do her duties as a mama and we cannot wait to see how her personality continues to emerge.

Update July 2024: Fast forward to now… Gypsy has graduated to a kitten free condo! She is incredibly friendly and adores attention from her visitors. Gypsy absolutely loves having her ears scratched and will purr and nuzzle into your body to show her appreciation! It certainly seems like she still enjoys being cuddled by people, especially if you are scratching her ears while holding her. Gypsy’s long coat thrives with a dash of extra TLC, and her appreciation for grooming is evident in her peaceful demeanor during brushing, making a positive bonding experience.

Gypsy is a incredibly vocal kitty and ensures her opinions are heard! When she’s hungry or desires affection, she makes it known, even voicing her displeasure like the furry little drama queen she is! She’s discovered a passion for playtime with her adorable cat toys, especially the tiny mice and balls that bring out her natural instincts! Watch her swat them around her condo with pure joy!

Are you seeking a feline companion that exudes warmth, sociability, and playful energy? Look no further than Gypsy, the epitome of a friendly and talkative kitty. We believe she will do well in a home with other similarly
natured cats, where she can engage in play and socialize with feline companions.