DSH- Torbie
HISTORY: Houdini was found as a stray then surrendered once she was tested for FeLV.
MEDICAL NOTE: Houdini is FeLV+
What’s not to love about sweet Houdini? This adorable cat is full grown but still has the personality of a kitten. She loves to run around, explore, and play! If she hears voices outside of her room, she’ll jump onto the door and dangle so she can peek out the window! When she’s spent all of her energy, Houdini enjoys snuggling and will even let you pick her up and hold her. Due to her FeLV+ status, Houdini should either be the only cat in the home or join a family with other FeLV+ cats. Once you meet this wonderful girl for yourself, you’ll absolutely want to take her home with you!
Fall 2024 Update: The kitty count in my room this summer has dwindled, sadly. Over the last couple months, let’s see we’ve lost Tulip, Oreo and more recently Gabbi. All big hits for our small community of kitties here in L3 and all tied into our FeLUK+ status. Still, we fight the big fight and make the most of each day. To this end, my good volunteer friend Scott knows how much I love playing laser dot so he makes sure I get my red dot fix on each visit. Charlie, one of my roomies, also loves getting in on the action so it’s the 2 of us against that one dot!! Outside of “dot” time, I also enjoy approaching Scott on the turquoise steps in the room so I can get some one on one attention and love from him. No laps for me please, but I do love the hands of my human friends. My health is intact…for now…so onward I go to enjoy the fall colors. HOUDINI
Spring 2024 Update: My good human friend Scott says that I just “appear” out of nowhere when he enters my room. Well, duh…I AM HOUDINI, right? I’ll not judge my friend too harshly as he is a true delight and treasured companion to me. Visiting with me a couple days each week, Scott is always generous in giving me just the right amount of TLC and pets before he picks up on my signal that I’m done. He’s a smart human who will then whip out his laser dot toy and then the silly “dot” game begins in great earnest! In addition to Scott, I also have a lovely older couple who lavish me with the perfect amount of attention once a week, so I feel I have a pretty good set up here. I’m healthy as healthy can be and want for nothing. HOUDINI