DSH -Orange Tabby
HISTORY: Hunter was a stray/surrender when he tested positive for feline leukemia.
MEDICAL NOTE: Hunter has tested positive for FeLV.
When is a Hunter not a hunter? Why it’s when he’s CFC’s Hunter, a love bucket and a sweetheart of a guy. He’s a lover, not a fighter, and the only hunting in his repertoire is seeking out a lap to occupy. His is a laid back, go with the flow personality and there’s nothing hyper about this boy. His ample orange body perfectly fills most any lap, where he delights in a good cuddle. His purr is so soft that it’s almost imperceptible, but it’s dependable. Lean your head down to hear it and you just might be the recipient of one of his patented chinny nudges. Here’s one of his most endearing traits; should you pause in petting him he will extend his big mitten paw up to your cheek and gently pat it or he might tap your arm and draw your hand back to him to encourage you to resume the caresses. No claws are extended, just a very soft touch to remind you that “I’m here and love is in session!” He is just one very good cat. Please come visit our treasure hunter’s delight- he’d adore seeing you. Note: Hunter has tested positive for FeLV.
Fall 2024 Update: The kitty count in my room this summer has dwindled, sadly. Over the last couple months, let’s see we’ve lost Tulip, Oreo and more recently Gabbi. All big hits for our small community of kitties here in L3 and all tied into our FeLUK+ status. Still, we fight the big fight and make the most of each day. I’m hanging in there and while I am slowing down, still I’m going to seek out attention from the humans as they come into my room. While I sometimes might still monitor the activity level at the main door, more and more, I can be found in a sunny window spot enjoying the heat from that golden orb outside in the sky. My good friend, Volunteer Scott always gives me some heartfelt one on one time when he visits and for this I’m most grateful. HUNTER
Spring 2024 Update: Can a cat ever get enough pets, love and attention? Well, if you ask me, I’d say “No!” One of my best friends Scott will tell you that I just never tire of our love sessions and if given the chance would let him stroke me non-stop. I’m not so much into his lap so I’ll keep him standing and standing while I enjoy the height of a cat tree or one of the shelves in my room. I’ve kind of steered away from being the main greeter positioned by the door when you enter the room so look for me at mid-height in the room and you’ll find me in some comfy spot. Scott calls me the eternal gentleman and one “happy man.” Sometimes, his words might even make me blush on occasion. Since we last spoke, I’ve been diagnosed with asthma (Uh, like I needed that!) but I’m responding well to meds and am otherwise healthy. HUNTER