DSH- Mostly Black with a white dot on her chest and at the end of her tail.
HISTORY: India was found as a stray alongside siblings Holland and Everest (adopted).
MEDICAL NOTE: India tested positive for FIV.
India tends to get overlooked by R3’s visitors because she can be a little shy at first. If you take the time to get to know her, though, a whole new side emerges. She’s sweet and enjoys attention, and once she’s had more time to settle into her room we think she’ll get a lot more playful. She seems to be a bit intimidated by all the bigger cats, but she gets along swimmingly with her brother Holland. Given the right home, India will surely blossom into a loving, confident cat. Come pay her a visit!
More about me November 2024: What’s not to love about our petite, smartly attired tuxedo lady, INDIA? This sweet, calm, amiable gal quiet sits on the sidelines hoping you might take notice of her. More typically, you can find her on a mid level of one of the many cat trees in her room. She might also be the maitre d’ beautifully perched on the table as you head to the catio area. India is not one to make any waves. She has a very peaceful and simply lovely feel to her. She’s not going to climb in your lap right away nor chatter endlessly trying to get your attention but she will opt to be near you and keep you company. She has done well with the others in her room…never looking to stir the pot and likewise not ever looking for a specific cuddle buddy. We enjoy her serene look and aura and in her own special way, adds a lot to her room. Please check out our petite lady and perhaps you too will feel her subtle, priceless love.