DSH, orange and white
HISTORY: Kit was a stray on Shores Road alongside brother Kyle and mom Alison.
I’m a true friend to all in my cat room.
Kit has aged out of his kitten antics and matured into a relaxed, affectionate young adult. He spends most of his time on top of the cat condos, snuggling with the other cats in his room. We think he finds the constant hustle and bustle of the sanctuary—particularly the younger kittens running around—a bit overwhelming. Once settled in a home, though, we anticipate that he’ll become a lot more playful and inquisitive. Kit is just a cat that needs a bit of encouragement to fully come out of his shell. He gets along great with other cats, though judging by his behavior we think he’d do better with an adult cat (or cats) than a kitten. Give this handsome man a chance and we’re sure that he’ll win you over! If you’d like to meet Kit, head to and fill out an adoption application.
Update Spring 2024: Honestly, what’s not to love about cool, appealing me?? Gosh, time has really flown by and soon I’ll be marking my 4 yr anniversary as a resident at CFC. Folks have commented that I’m not as much into greeting everyone at the door and more likely than not, you’ll find me relaxing and taking it easy on the catio. I guess you could say I’m a good friend to all in my room but don’t really have any dear, close friends. My good volunteer friend Scott still calls on me on a regular basis and makes sure that I get my fair share of human pets and kind caresses. I like Scott a lot. You may recall, the room I’m in is heavily represented with cats who are orange. No doubt, I fit right in and still I keep my eye on the prize of soon heading home. I’m healthy and happy. KIT
Update Winter 2024: “I’m in the Orange Room,” explains our good natured, amicable fella Kit. “Orange?” you ask. Well, by chance or not, L2 by population has lots and lots of orange cats. Kit might say, “We are a dime a dozen,” but in truth we know and respect them all. To this end, Kit is one of the most well balanced kitties in his room. Always even keel and super pleasant, he will hover closely to volunteers as they come for a visit and will softly nudge for some attention/tlc. Kit is not quite as active nor busy as he once was but still makes the rounds in the room working the crowd of kitties and always the humans who stop by. Kit is in good health and spirits and we’ll look forward to his finding the warmer spots in the room as winter descends upon us.
Update Fall 2023: Is there romance in the air for our handsome fella Kit? Well, if you ask the ever amicable Kit, he will tell you, “Uh, no!” If you ask roommate Sophie who more and more goes over to rub on Kit, she might tell you otherwise! LOL. Truth be known, Kit is truly a friend to all …no special friends here…and he’s just a steady eddy with everyone in his room. Kit does a great job in sidling on over when the humans come into his room. Eternally pleasant and polite, we’re still baffled that he’s not yet gone home, but perhaps with the turning of the leaves and the fall season upon us, his luck will be changing. With no emerging health issues, no doubt Kit is able to put his best paw forward this fall.