Tabby- Brown and tan stripes
Just like Lola on the “big screen,” our Lola might even eclipse her namesake! Once thought to be feral, sweet, soft Lola is anything but!! A flirtatious girl who will bat her eyes at you to encourage interaction, Lola is adorable pure and simple. According to staff, “everybody loves Lola and Lola loves everybody.” Others have commented on how she melts like butter into your arms. Stop by today and meet our star of the big screen. Lola will likely cry out to you in entering her room so be prepared for head butts and figure eights at your feet.
Nov 2024 Volunteer Thought: Lola is a petite lady of a certain age that is a favorite around here. She prefers to be by herself, not that anyone has an issue with her. I’ve never seen any of the other cats even look cross at her. It’s just that at sweet 16 she’s more interested in her creature comforts. During the warm months I’ll find her out on the catio enjoying the heat. In the colder seasons she’ll be inside, on a cat bed, burrowed under a blanket. But if she sees me I’m told in no uncertain terms to get over to her and give her head rubs! Lola has, probably, the loudest cry in the building. I’ve been seeing her for over 3 years and I’d swear the older she gets, the louder she gets! Who am I to disappoint her? I’m happy to comply to her “request”. I hope to be lucky enough to do so for years to come.
Fall 2024 Update: It’s approaching that time of year when I can deeply burrow and hide under layers of soft fleece. Oh, how do I enjoy the cooler temps and all the snuggly goodness that comes with the change in weather. My good volunteer friend, Scott still maintains I have the loudest and most shrieking cry of “hello” when I see him coming my way. I let him pet and love on me for a short time and then a quick, swat, swat of my paw signals our time is up and he needs to move on! LOL. Mostly I am a more solitary lady not really desiring to hang close to other kitties but Scott did catch me during a fun moment when I was stretched out on one tier of a short tree and another cat, Tibbie on the upper level of the stubby tree. Close enough to swat at her dangling tail, it was a fun time for all but in particular for my friend Scott. I’m doing well health wise so I’ll continue to stay alert hoping that perhaps the next person who comes by my room, might be interested in me. LOLA
Spring 2024 Update: I like the warm temps. As you may recall, during the winter months, it’s not unusual to find me burrowed beneath a heaping pile of fleece. Now that it’s nearly June and the temps are cranking up, you’ll find me on the catio soaking up the heat like a huge tabby sponge. Folks still comment that I yell and cry and sound like a huge bull horn when I see them coming my way. My hearing may not be perfect so I can’t gauge how noisy I might actually be. No matter to me as the net, end result is that folks come my way, give me the pets and strokes I desire and then I’m ready for them to go away! LOL. Folks have recently described me as a sweet albeit at times cranky woman which I think is rather spot on! With no new medical concerns, I’m looking forward to the months ahead where I can relax outside, enjoy the temps and take in the scenery. LOLA