Tabby- Black and Grey Stripes
HISTORY: Mouse and Dove were trapped at a local unmanaged colony of over 100 cats.
Mouse is all grown up now. He’s been in foster care for a year and has developed into an overly confident fellow. He will talk your ear off if you don’t pay attention to him. He loves to play with you, or should I say demands it. Laser lights are one of his favorites. His name Mouse just wasn’t fitting for him anymore, so we started calling him Mr. Mowz. He likes that better.
Mouse has three special attributes. His emerald green eyes are mesmerizing. His very short tabby fur is silk like and really shows off his unique tabby markings. And finally, his long legs and tail. I’ve never seen a tail on a cat as long as him. I always tell him, ” you went through the tail line twice”. As he cruises through the house, his tail drags on the floor and he looks like a tiny tiger.
Mouse would do better in a home with older children or no children. He will definitely keep you entertained with his goofball personality. Mouse has had a rough start in life, but who says dreams can’t come true!