


DSH; orange tabby with white

HISTORY: Mr. Cat was a neighborhood stray who was trapped so a leg injury could be treated.

MEDICAL NOTE: Mr. Cat tested positive for FIV.

Mr. Cat came to us after a resident of the neighborhood he frequented trapped him so his leg could be treated for an injury. After taking him in, the vets realized he was FIV+ and thus could not be released back into the wild. Since he was friendly and well-liked by the neighborhood, the resident attempted to take him in herself, but her other cats did not like him. He found his way here, and we are so happy to have him. Mr. Cat only needed a couple of days to get used to his new home before he was sidling up to staff members for pets. He is incredibly affectionate, and as you can see from his photos it can be hard to get a good picture of him since he wants pets so much! He also gets along well with the other cats in the room and enjoys playing with fellow R3 resident Bronx. We quickly fell in love with him and have enjoyed watching his personality continue to blossom. If this bubbly boy sounds like he’d make a good addition to your family, come meet him for yourself and seal the deal!

Winter Update 2025: Yuck. There’s a newer kid on the block and I just don’t like him. Truth be told, he came in like some raging lion and was a bit of a bully to many of us. I won’t name names, but in general I am a very peaceful, non-combative fella but I won’t put up with him anymore. He knows now that there will be trouble should he get within even 4 ft of me. I mean business..well, sort of! I want to be left alone and now, I think he understands that. Thank goodness!! Outside of Mr Bigpants stirring the pot in the room, I’ve been doing well health wise and with the cooler temps will hang out inside in some wonderful, quiet, low activity zone. My good volunteer friend Scott stops by 2x each week to check in on me. He makes sure to give me low doses of pets and TLC and I’m so appreciative. MR CAT

Fall 2024 Update: Normally I am not one to hold grudges, but I can’t seem to let go of how dreadful, newer arrival Jacque was to me. He was a super bully when he first made his grande debut to our room. While he has since settled down and is making amends, still I am not extending an olive branch to him. I’ve always gotten along great with everyone….I’m not seeking them out nor desire their companionship..but I am happy to share my space with them. Jacque for now is best suited in giving me a wider berth as I try to resume my daily routine of sunbathing, relaxation and good eats. My good human friend Scott who stops by for bi-weekly visitations, has tried to help soothe my angst and for this I am most appreciative.  MR CAT

Spring 2024 Update: I’ve been acting a bit like a squatter more recently. Squatter you ask? Well, when condos are vacated during the day, it’s not unusual for me to slip in one and idle away my time in this more secluded area. Typically, I am selecting Panther’s condo. He’s not using it during the day anyway, so why not! My good human friend Scott makes a point of locating me and giving me plenty of pets and rubs as he makes the rounds in my room. He says I am a mellow, very agreeable kitty that would make an amazing companion pet. With no emerging health issues, I’m on target to continue with my squatting habits and who knows, might soon change things up as it’s looking pretty inviting outside on the catio area. MR CAT