Dilute Calico
HISTORY: Senior Olive was surrendered to a SC county animal shelter when a new baby arrived in her home and she was no longer a good match for the family.
When you enter our senior cat room, be prepared to stop dead in your tracks to gaze upon the beauty that we call OLIVE! Such a sweet, sweet, dear girl, she had the same family for over 15yrs and then a child entered the picture and she lost the only safe spot she had ever known. She was surrendered to a SC county shelter where she rapidly declined. Luckily, we learned of her plight and worked as quickly as possible to find a spot for her here before she just gave into sadness and depression.
The shelter reported that she was untouchable, hissy and had little or no appetite. Clearly, that environment was super stressful for her but surprisingly (or not!!), when we got her in her new kitty condo, she was calm and relaxed and she quickly started to eat. You could almost see her exhale in one big mighty wave of relief as she inspected and took in her new surroundings. You got this girl!
Olive has adjusted well to her new room and she enjoys soft body rubs and will arch up in delight if the perfect spots along her body and her chin area are appropriately scratched. A petite, old lady at just 8lbs, she sports a full, luscious jacket – a patchwork of muted tans, greys and other earth tones. Her soft green eyes perfectly round out her exquisite look. In her prior home, she had 2 humans caring over her since she was a tiny kitten. She had a huge 2 level home to call her own and enjoyed the human laps and also following them around acting as their shadow. She was very tuned into her humans, very doted over, loving and very social.
So what works for Olive in her golden years as she searches for her final home? We believe less will be more for Olive. A more quiet, calm home where she can quickly settle into a routine with her human(s) would nicely suit her style. In her prior life, she shared her home with a min pin dog. Moving forward, she might be happy as a single pet, however if there are older, more mature, polite pets in the home she might be open to sharing her new space/life with them. At 16 yrs of age, Olive is in great health, her spirit has been restored and she and we believe she still has one more family to serve as a cherished pet. Might it be with you?
Fall Update 2024: Picture this: a gorgeous blue and cream Tortie with white (aka a dilute Calico) sound asleep in a deep bed on a shelf with a window view. You approach and call softly to her. She continues to doze. You call her name and her eyes pop open. Before you can touch her, she begins to purr. You pet her and she purrs more loudly. While petting her, you lean forward and press your cheek to her warm fur. You can feel her body vibrating in time with her purr. You lift her in her bed, sit and place her in your lap. Her purr never stops. This is nirvana for both you and her. This is Olive! A year after being betrayed by her human family of 16 years, she has weathered abandonment and depression to become a Kitty Lovebug. CFC staff and volunteers use only superlatives to describe this beautiful, sweet girl.
More about me March 2024: Who’s in laps now?? It’s our massively beautiful calico girl OLIVE! Talk about a dear, sweet soul! Olive’s life was totally turned upside down when after 15yrs of full time pet work, suddenly she was out of work. Well, boo hoo to that! Today, Olive is out and about in her room and what a joy it is to see her smiling, relaxed and sunning on one of our window ledges. She loves these spots and while she’ll migrate from pillow to pillow throughout the day, it’s clearly the ledge and sun that she seeks from day to day.
Olive has a couple regular volunteers who absolutely adore her! They will slowly reach for her and position her in their lap and that’s when the real lovin’ begins in earnest. Olive loves human laps and it does not take long for long dribbles of saliva (of gratitude) to start to form and ooze out of the corners of her mouth! No joke! She loves her petting sessions and her steady purr of contentment make it really hard to break the moment when it’s time to leave the room. While Olive is nicely co-existing with the other kitties in her room, she’s not wishing for the other kitties to get in her space/in her face and will offer up a low growl of warning hoping the 4 legged will please give her space. We adore this amazing girl and are confident her new and final home is out there. Perhaps it’s with you!