


DSH- Grey and white tuxedo

HISTORY: Opal was found by an employee at a landfill and was taken home with them. Unfortunately Opal’s savior could not keep her with dogs in the home.

Meet the adventurous and energetic Opal!! With unbridled curiosity, this adorable little lady embarks on her explorations of The Scratching Post Kitchen discovering the most delightful spaces to play! She enjoys playing with the vast array of cat toys in her area!

Opal is a highly social cat who revels in pets and attention from people. You can pick her up and snuggle her briefly, but she usually prefers to have her paws on the floor. Opal gets along well with the other cats in her area. It is seldom that she seeks out their attention. She appears content to roam and engaging in solo play.

Are you looking for an playful and adventurous feline to complete your family? Look no further than Opal! We believe she will thrive in a home with another similarly inclined feline companion.