


DSH- Buff and White

HISTORY: Tawny was surrendered along with his sister, Callie when their owners moved into assisted living.

You can find shy boy Tawny relaxing on top of one of the condos in his room at The Scratching Post. Often his sister Callie and Click, another one of our cats that shares his space, are frequently up there lounging with him! He is truly a cat’s cat, preferring feline companionship to that of people.

Tawny does not seek out attention from people. He will accept pets from people he trusts in small doses. We would recommend for the time being to spend some time with him, speaking softly and moving slowly with him. We hope with enough time and attention Tawny will learn to like and trust attention from people. Tawny will need a cat savvy person who is willing to devote their time and energy into earning his trust. We also believe Tawny would do best in a home with other cats where he will feel more confident and not be lonely.

Spring 2024 Update: I’m getting there. I’m taking one day at a time. It’s just been a huge adjustment for me to settle into my new “normal”….my new “home.” As you know, previously I had a full time pet position but when my humans had to go into assisted living, we could not all go so here I am. I’m trying to draw strength off my good friend Callie (we arrived together) as I see her out and about in my room. She’s even going outside on the catio and sunning, I hear! For me, I’m still hanging out with a literal pile of cats on the top of a condo. I’m not wanting for cat friends which makes my heart soar! Having Click, Chloe and Callie to help me along is a huge source of reassurance for me. The photo lady recently caught me on a mid-height cat tree (not my usual top of condo perch) so there is clear evidence of expanding my comfort zone, working hard and making this new life work for me.  I am grateful to have so many beings helping me on many levels. TAWNY