


Large : Larger than 45 lbs.

Bully Mix

HISTORY:  Creek was pulled from a county shelter in NC when, after a longer stay and no adoption interest,  he started to deteriorate.  He arrived at that shelter as a stray and was found on a street with the name of “Creek” in it hence his name.

I’m big and bold and just the happiest, most loving doggy around

If you’re looking for a good time,  call CREEK!  This guy has many nicknames… Mr Personality!  Mr Huggable Squeezeable!  Mr Congeniality!  Mr Master Hula Dancer.  You get the idea.  Creek is loaded with happy, good vibes and is so very pleased to meet folks.  Very loving, affectionate and huggy,  gosh does he do a super job in making his human friends feel like they are the best!!  Pulled from a county shelter where he arrived as a stay and had been continually overlooked,  he was clearly deteriorating and needed help.   We could not be more pleased to have said “Welcome Home” as he’s so social, giving and generous of himself. 

Creek makes a pretty big splash when you meet him and he made a similar “splash” when he arrived at CFC via a private small plane transport from NC. Now, that’s the way to travel, right?? Since his arrival, he has done a terrific job settling in and while we know at least one skill set is flying in a plane, we have also taken him on car rides to explore the countryside and he’s really great in the car as well. He is up looking around like a periscope with a big ol’ grin on his face.

Creek is a fun guy who is ready to go and do.  You’ll really not find a reserved/cautious bone in his body so we feel he’ll make an excellent adventure traveler for his new family.  Here at the Sanctuary, he’s done well casually walking around/past other dogs so in his new home,  having a doggy friend might be a good option for him.  The shelter reports that he did well with other dogs but some dogs did not “appreciate” his forward/in your face greeting style.  In his defense, he might say, “I just got excited, forgot my manners and wanted to make a fast friend and play.” LOL.  If Creek had a favorite type of toy, it would be rope style toys that he can play tug of war with and or simply tote around.   

Creek is not the doggy who wishes to be placed on a shelf to watch the action go by. He’s the guy creating that action and looking to push his new family to explore and get out and take that less traveled road. We are honored to have Creek under our care and can’t help but smile each and every time we reach for him for that next enriching activity. What a full spirited, full bodied lovebug! Creek has a magnificent, welcoming, big look and feel to him and we are smitten. No doubt, you will be as well! Don’t take our word for it though…please come on by and experience him for yourself.